Internet Fundamentals

Short Description:-
In Stock
AuthorAdesh K. Pandey
PublisherS.K. Kataria & Sons
Edition2nd 2011
Publish Year2010
Total Pages300
Availablity In Stock
Rs 395.00Rs 356.00


Unit-I: Electronic Mail and Internet
• Electronic Mail • Introduction to Network and Internet • Working of Internet.
Unit-II: World Wide Web
• World Wide Web • HTML and XML • Web Site Designing.
Unit-III: Languages
• Java Script • Servers.
Unit-IV: Privacy and Security Topics
• Web Security and Firewall

• Privacy and Encryption Schemes
• Appendices
• Examination Papers (Unsolved)
• Solved Question Papers of Previous Years
• Index.

  • Author : Adesh K. Pandey
  • Publisher : S.K. Kataria & Sons
  • Edition : 2nd 2011
  • Reprint : 2023
  • Publishing Year : 2010
  • Total Pages : 300

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Internet Fundamentals


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