Engineering Graphics & Design (AICTE)

Short Description:-
In Stock
AuthorP.S. Gill
PublisherS.K. Kataria & Sons
Edition1st 2018
Publish Year2018
Total Pages700
Availablity In Stock
Rs 795.00Rs 716.00


Part-I: Traditional Engineering Graphics (Geometrical Drawing) • Manual Drawing Instruments • Conventional Lines, Drawing Sheets: Layout & Planning • Technical Lettering • Dimensioning Terms and Notations • Geometrical Constructions • Scales • Conic Sections • Cycloid, Epicycloid, Hypocycloid and Involute Curves • Projections of Points • Projections of Lines • Projections of Planes • Projections on Auxiliary Planes • Projections of Solids • Sections of Solids • Development of Surfaces • Intersections of Surfaces • Isometric Projection • Theory of Orthographic Projections and Reading a Drawing • Perspective Projection.
Part-II: Computer Graphics • CAD Overview: Getting Started • AutoCAD Fundamentals • Drawing 2D-Geometry • Managing Object Properties • Viewing 2D Drawings and Object Selection • Editing Two-Dimensional Drawing • Creating Text and Drawing Dimensions • Creating/Layout/ Template Files and Plotting/Printing • Creating Section Views and Editing Hatches • Parametric Drawing Tools • Creating Block and Assembly Drawings • 3D Coordinate Systems and Viewing 3D Drawings • AutoCAD 2D Isometric Drawing • 3D Wireframe Modeling • 3D Surface Modeling • 3D Solid Modeling Tools and Techniques • Multiview Drawings from 3D Models • Index.

  • Author : P.S. Gill
  • Publisher : S.K. Kataria & Sons
  • Edition : 1st 2018
  • Reprint : 2023
  • Publishing Year : 2018
  • Total Pages : 700

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Engineering Graphics & Design (AICTE)


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